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music, poetry, art and community for an increasingly strange existence

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New Song - My Nature
by That's the Breaks

My Nature | That's the Breaks

new artist featured!

Micah SD

moving stories powered by powerful words, heartfelt introspections, & echoing beauty.

artist sneak peak

name: Zach Van Horn
medium(s): Oil & acrylic on paper on wood panel




Funked out rock tune, baby the space, between me and you...

Coriolis Effect

Funktry vibe, don't be locked inside the flame!

Natural Consequences

Chilled out reflection on the state of the American loneliness...

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Broomwatr does not do in-person interviews, but phone or web-based are welcome, or live chat interview. For email interviews or other inquiries, please use the form below. Broomwatr is a real person who does not use AI for any poetry or lyrics, doesn't have any (scary) skeletons in the closet. Identity as a citizen in good standing can be verified by a trusted third party.
